Success starts when you love your customers.

The secret ingredient that turns customers into raving fans!

Success starts when you love your customer.
Dancing with a customer's customer with Vespa Passion Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City. Photo - Dat Pham Rider

Its a great time to update your vivid vision for your company, your what and your why.

When it comes to running a successful business, there are a lot of factors to consider.

You need to have a great product or service, a solid marketing strategy, and a skilled team of employees. But there’s one key secret ingredient that many entrepreneurs overlook: a deep and abiding love for your customers.

The secret ingredient is not cheese, it’s always love.

The absolute truth is that your customers are the lifeblood of your business. YEs your existing customers.

Without them, you wouldn’t have anyone to sell to, and your company would quickly wither and die. That’s why it’s so important to put them first in everything you do.

A business also needs to develop the capability to win a stream of new customers and they way you win them is more important than your products.  

Love they way you win

Here are just a few reasons why success starts when you love your customers:

1.  Customers do business with people they like – give them experiences they won’t forget. 

If you want to win a customer’s business, you must be the go-to person in their mind. Showing interest in understanding not only their business but deeper, their passion and deeper their customer’s passion. Appreciating them first will trigger this go-to-mind connection. Use the power of your imagination to give them experiences they won’t forget. I once decorated a restaurant on the 18th floor with motorbikes and asked the chef to cook a secret paella not found on the menu and name it after the prospect’s company. I asked the mixologist to make a new cocktail and name it after their product in a private masterclass. Wow, it is about going deeper, not staying on the surface with motherhood and apple pie.*

2.  Customers are more likely to be loyal when they feel valued.

If you want your customers to keep coming back, you need to make them feel like they matter. That means taking the time to listen to their feedback, responding promptly to their questions and concerns, and going above and beyond to meet their needs. When customers feel valued and appreciated, they’re more likely to stick with your company for the long haul. 

3. Positive word of mouth is priceless.

How powerful is marketing by word of mouth? Maybe the most powerful, do you agree? When someone has a great experience with your company, they’re likely to tell their friends and family about it. And when those people have a need for your product or service, they’re more likely to choose your company based on that recommendation. But in order to generate positive word of mouth, you need to create an experience that truly wows your customers. This is where you unleash above and beyond and go the extra mile. 

4. Satisfied customers are more likely to refer new business.

In addition to sharing their positive experiences with their friends and family, satisfied customers are also more likely to refer new businesses directly to your company. Whether they’re sharing your website with their social media followers or referring a friend who’s in need of your services, these referrals are a powerful source of new business.

5.  Happy customers are more forgiving when things go wrong.

No matter how hard you try, there will be times when things go wrong. Maybe a product gets shipped late, or a customer service representative has a bad day and isn’t as friendly as they should be. When you have a strong relationship with your customers, they’re more likely to give you the benefit of the doubt when things don’t go perfectly. And when you take steps to make things right, they’re more likely to forgive any mistakes.

6.  Loving your customers fosters a positive company culture.

Finally, when you make customer satisfaction a top priority, it sets the tone for your entire company culture. Employees who see how much you value your customers will be more likely to adopt that same mindset in their own interactions. And when everyone is focused on creating a great experience for your customers, it can lead to a more positive, collaborative, and productive work environment.

One day our CEO Mr. Peter’s overheard me talking to a customer whilst taking an order over the phone. I was a trainee sales rep at the time and fell in love with our customers. He called all the staff to the canteen for an announcement. I thought I was in trouble. He played the recording of what I said and told everyone “this is how we love our customers” and opened a happy hour with free food and drinks for all staff. From that moment I was hooked. Catching and rewarding team members for loving customers is super powerful.

In conclusion, loving your customers isn’t just a feel-good sentiment – it’s a crucial component of running a successful business. By putting your customers first in everything you do, you can create a culture of excellence that will help you stand out from the competition and build a loyal following of satisfied customers. So if you’re not already prioritizing customer satisfaction, now is the time to start. Your customers – and your bottom line – will thank you.

Paul Bardeleben

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